Dr Anne Golden

BA (Hons) Psychology UCD. MPsychSc Health Psychology University of Galway. PhD University College London. DCouns Trinity College Dublin. PDip Clinical Supervision Dublin City University. C. Psychol., Ps.S.I, MBPsS

LGBTQIA+ community affirmative approach

Anne works primarily with adults, having a background in working with trauma, short-term and longer term therapy, and across a variety of presenting needs from clients (e.g., stress, anxiety, low mood, adjustment across the lifespan, self-development and more).

Anne works as an integrative practitioner from a holistic perspective given her background as a health psychologist. Anne’s training in therapeutic modalities includes cognitive behavioural therapy, emotion-focused therapy and psychodynamic approaches, and also incorporated further training such as in sensorimotor psychotherapy and EMDR as part of her work around trauma and managing dysregulation. She also offers clinical supervision and reflective practice to psychologists and other health or helping professionals.

Type of Therapy

Client Type

Affirmative Inclusions




Garda Vetted




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